February 26, 2015

Pouring Wine

For the recent Valentine's Day, I had to get a gift for Summer. The easiest gift to get is the free one. I had this canvas sheet where I put a few thousand tiny triangles. I knew I wanted to use a photograph represented with triangles, and finally I found this one with someone pouring wine. Since Summer likes wine, it seemed like a good Valentines gift.

Blue Orange Lantern

One of my favorite lantern styles is here. To start, I make a straight line starting at an angle, and just continue it around the lantern a bunch of times. Because of the shape, the line continues around and around, crossing and making shapes as it goes. I used a few shades of blue and then one orange to make some contrast. This one turned out really well.

What a handsome lantern!


I needed to make a gift for Summer's sister, so I decided to paint a picture. I took one of my photos of the Eiffel Tower from a trip to Paris, split it up into small shapes and painted with a bunch of colors. Voila, Eiffel Tower.