December 12, 2011

Dragon Lantern

I already gave this gift to my Mother for Christmas, so its OK for me to post it here now. Its a square lantern that I picked up in Chinatown in Montreal, which I wanted to paint some dragons on. I started painting a smaller one, but I realized it was upside down and that I didn't like it. Then I found a black and white picture of a dragon head which I painted on each side and colored. I put of couple of Chinese words on there, too. It's for my Mom's bedroom which she will decorate East Asian style.

December 3, 2011

Best of 2011

Hello readers. Thanks for stopping by my painting website! Right now I'm looking for a little bit of feedback from you. I have four paintings listed, and I would like you to pick your favorite of my paintings of 2011. I have selected my four favorites, but I limited it canvas paintings. If you have other favorites please feel free to comment.

The poll is on the page to the right! ----------------------------------------------->

Here are the choices:


Bar Snacks

K Pop


Thanks for voting!

December 1, 2011

London Postcards

So I've finally made it through my stockpile of paintings. I do have one more that I finished recently, but its a Christmas present so I'm not going to post it. I will put up a few polls pretty soon, so check back soon so you can vote.

This is a project I started after my trip to the UK this summer. I picked up a booklet of postcards from the Tate Modern museum, and decided to paint the postcards with vividly colored recreations of pictures I took on the trip. Here's what I came up with.

The booklet:

Columns at British Museum

Scott Monument in Edinburgh

London Skyline

Summer Breeze

Roger's Glass

Buckingham Palace

Welsh Cow


Me on the Rocks



Marlene in Wales

8 Bit Fire Lantern

Here is one of my most recent paintings, this lantern. I bought this large, football shaped lantern in China town in London. I then carried it all the way back to the U.S. and finally painted it a few months later. I was going for just some rectangle shapes to make a really blocky pattern with the warm colors. What I ended up with was this design that looks like an original Nintendo rendering of fire:

acrylic on paper lantern
diameter ~14", length ~24"

November 30, 2011


This painting I really like. I started with a picture of this Korean singer named I.U. I painted her face and hand and hair with the yellow, orange, red and purple scheme, and then did this psychedelic background. I'm happy with how everything came out except for her teeth, so I may go back and try to fix them.

acrylic on canvas
16"x 20"

Self Portrait

This one I think came out pretty well. I drew a whole bunch of rectangles arranged like bricks, and then did shading with some red and orange colors. I like it, but I wish I would have picked a different picture of myself to use as a reference.

acrylic on canvas
8"x 10"


Here's a picture I painted for my girlfriend. It's from a picture where she is posing next to this strange statue in Incheon, Korea. I jazzed up the colors a little bit, and this is what I got.

November 29, 2011


This painting is definitely one of my favorites. Probably my favorite painting I have done. It's just a hand, my hand. I first drew many, many, tiny triangles and then shaded to make it look like a hand. At first I didn't know what to do with the background. I had something with color outlines, but it looked pretty bad. Then a friend suggested to put in an out of focus, dark background, and I came up with the rainy look that I have now. I'm just really pleased with how it came out.

Box Tunnel

This one is not one of my favorites. I just thought that the effect was going to be stronger with the vanishing point of all the boxes in the center. Even so, it turned out OK, at least good enough to make it onto my blog.

acrylic on canvas
18"x 24"


Here is a painting a little bit similar to the lion one. It's supposed to be a man, trapped behind a wall. I think that message comes through. I painted it in about 10 minutes, and without looking at any kind of reference. I think thats why it came out like it did.

acrylic on canvas
10"x 12"

November 28, 2011

Sunrise Sunset

These paintings I'm going to go ahead and list in one post because they go together. It's the last of the tree and plant themed day, and probably the best of the day in my opinion. The backgrounds are inspired by a sunset I saw on halloween night 2010 in Malipo Beach, Korea. I also really like the way the trees came out and the branches look fairly real to me. It's supposed to be one tree, seen at two different times of day.

Fractal Tree

The next tree and plant related painting is one that I pretty much copied out of a fractal book by Benoit Mandlebrodt. In the book, though, it's black and white. I added all of the colors as well as the blue sun.

acrylic on paper
11"x 17"


Here is the second in the day of tree and plant related posts. It's flowers. I painted this one for a friend, and I think it turned out OK. It's a little sad that my favorite part of it is the background.

Dual Tree

Hello, and welcome to a day full of tree and plant themed paintings. Are you excited yet? I like to paint trees, or some kind of two dimensional representation of them. One of my favorite parts is how the branches can cross and mesh together without overlapping. That's basically the theme of this one. It's kind of like the dual tree lanterns I painted, except on a canvas and with a different colored sunset background.

acrylic on canvas
14"x 18"

November 27, 2011

Tree Beard

This one is pretty cool, I think, and some of my friends have really liked it. I painted it from an image that popped into my head when I was sitting in a kimbap restaurant in Korea with low bloodsugar and looking up at a weird colored light at the ceiling.

acrylic on canvas
12"x 24"

Honeycomb Fractal

This painting was just sort of an experiment when I was trying to paint some fractals. A fractal is mathematical term for something that you can take a small piece of and it's similar to the whole thing (self similar). So this one is the hexagonal shape with more hexagonal shapes inside of it and with more hexagonal shapes inside it. You get the picture.

acrylic on paper
11"x 17"

Flower Lantern

This lantern was a gift I painted for my little sister when she graduated from college in 2010. It's pretty simple, just a giant flower on the top and bottom of the lantern. I like how the shading looks on the flowers, but my favorite part is probably the background yellow and orange colors.

acrylic on paper lantern
diameter ~12"


This one has a strange story. I have never painted anything like this before or since. It started when I was trying ot paint a self portrait with the colors, and I hated the way it was looking. I took a tissue to it to smear it out, and I really liked the way it looked. Then I just kind of finished it off and ended up with this.

Dark Bird

And back to the paintings... For this one, I just wanted to paint a bird. I started with just red and black, and it seemed a little empty. Then I went and added the color grey to bring in some shading, as well as all the little birds that are flying with the big bird.

acrylic on canvas
16"x 20"

November 24, 2011

Rainbow Lantern

Hooray, another lantern! This one is triangular shapes that come from each end, and then there are waves that intersect through the triangles. I chose the 6 basic colors of the rainbow, and then where the wave intersects I put the complementary color to the one next to it. This one looks the best when it is lit up, but I don't have a picture of that.

acrylic on paper lantern
diameter ~16"


Here's another painting that is one of the first ones that I did. It's basically just a tunnel with rigid square patterns on the bottom and a tent looking thing on top. It's looks OK considering it was one of my first ones.

acrylic on canvasboard
14"x 18"


This one is not really my favorite, but it's OK. I wanted it to have more of a three dimensional effect to it, but that didn't really happen. I started with just a grid of 3-D cubes, and then it transitions into just 2-D hexagons.

acrylic on canvas
12"x 24"


I'm going to spend the rest of Thanksgiving night to post some more paintings, because I most likely won't post many on Friday or Saturday. This one is one of the first paintings I did, and I'm pretty proud of it. It looks a lot like a planet, but I like to think of it as if you looked at something really small, like an electron. Maybe it looks like that. Who knows?

acrylic on canvasboard
9"x 12"

November 23, 2011


Here's a painting that got really positive feedback when I showed it to people. But unfortunately, it is unavailable because I have already promised it to someone. Anyway, it's a gorilla. I think that the colors I chose turned out really well for it. Somehow green, purple, and gold look good together.


Here's another painting I made as a gift. I gave it to my older sister because she let me stay at her apartment when I was finishing my thesis. It's a bunch of stripes, and I really like the colors. I guess the point of it is that the stripes on the left start out at the opposite orientation as those on the right, and then the gradually turn until they are aligned.

Yellow Elephant

Back again with another painting of an animal. This one is an elephant where I limited the colors on the elephant to yellow, orange, and blue. I think it turned out well. What do you think?

November 22, 2011

Hand Lantern

And now time for another lantern. Thanks for reading, by the way. According to the information provided to me by the Blogger website, a lot of my readers are from Russia. I'm not really sure how that happened, but it's cool.

This lantern has 4 hands on it. I got the idea for it when I had my hands together like on the lantern, and realized it would be a cool design to have on the lantern. I think that the colors turned out really well, too. I hope you like it:

acrylic on paper lantern
diameter ~16"